Capability building resources
Bespoke tools to build capability, strengthen governance and grow revenue
Home Care Resources
Online Training
A bespoke home care training program consisting of 4 self-paced modules that build capability in:
- Front line staff understanding the language of consumers
- How to build trust with consumers to optimise goal setting and consumer outcomes
- Sales skills needed to sell home care services
- Achieving sustainable revenue increases through optimising home care package budgets
Business Maturity Framework
A bespoke home care training program consisting of 4 self-paced modules that build capability in:
- Front line staff understanding the language of consumers (Consumer Journey)
- Consumer outcomes led by wellbeing and health goals that drive independence and quality of life (Goal Setting)
- Sales skills needed to sell governance and management strategy (Program Performance)
- Achieving sustainable growth from optimising consumer home care packages (Revenue Growth)